Tuesday, March 8, 2011

to market, to market...

i feel like doing some thrift store hunting! i don't know what for exactly, but i know i can go into a thrift store and come out with all kinds of finds for my crafts, decor and closet! i think i'll go in to the D.I. and have a look-see. i haven't posted in a few days, simply out of boredom. i sometimes go through phases of online boredom, and i neglect my few sites i like to post on. sorry about that. but i'm sure everyone goes through the 'internet drought'. it's just like there's so much of EVERYTHING that there's almost too much to know what to do, so i end up not doing anything. besides that i've been really busy making stuff for someone special. and after i give them to said person, i can post the pictures. i wouldn't want the surprise to be ruined!

so i've only got one photo for my Daily Crocheations. it's a newsboy cap in the color i like to call oatmeal. it's super cozy.

"In the News' beanie

besides that photo, i decided to post several photos for the day, since i missed so many! enjoy.

flowers Zach got me yesterday
i caught this gnome snoozing on the job
rainbow lot
our mountains
just like heaven's light


  1. I get the same way kelly I don't even like looking at the computer haha. That hat is awesome! it looks so much better than mine lol :) i like the color, i like the little black flecks in it. All those pictures are awesome! The one with Zach in it is epic haha. its just cool how it turned out! I love daisies! It's so nice to get flowers ;) I miss the mountains they are so pretty. And those boots kill me. they are awesome. Misss you lady!

  2. you have such a fun blog I love it!

  3. I am in love with the hat!! You are super talented! Do you sell them?

  4. @ Katelyn: your hat turned out way cute, what are you talking about?!? i think the same thing though, i see my mom's newsboy hats and think she does so much better. but we gotta keep working at it, cause we're both doing good! i love getting flowers too, especially because Zach doesn't like to get them often. he thinks it's not special if you do it too much, and because every guy gets girls flowers. haha. he's funny. i misssss you too! can't wait to get together and crochet a bit!

    @ Angie: thanks so much!!! i'm still getting used to using a blog, but i'm glad you like it! :D

    @ Emily: i DO sell them! haha. i like to sell them to friends and family. they just let me know colors and style, and BOOM! hat's done. thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the nice compliment! :D
